Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Simple Machines

We have reduced the six simple machines to four simple machines: inclined plane, lever, wheel and axle, and pulley. Our task was to design and build these four simple machines. We were to do so, so that the lever, the inclined plane, the wheel and axle would have an ideal mechanical advantage of six, and the pulley system would have an ideal mechanical advantage of two. We were given about two weeks to complete the task. After we built those four simple machines, we measured the actual mechanical advantages of each machine and calculated the % efficiency.
Lever, David Kim & Christian Merkle
Pulley, David Kim & Christian Merkle
Wheel and axle, David Kim & Christian Merkle
Inclined plane, David Kikm & Christian Merkle

Our group was 6th place for the wheel and axle, 2nd place for the inclined plane, disqualified for the lever, and 1st place for the pulley system. We were disqualified for the lever because our lever was not balanced. We could not decide who the final winner is because there were a lot of errors in the machines, and it was difficult to fairly decide the final winner. There was no machine that had 100% efficiency. This is because there are other factors that affect the mechanical advantage. Friction is an obvious factor that affects the mechanical advantage.