Thursday, May 15, 2014

Floating Arm Trebuchet Case Studies

Unlike a traditional counterweight trebuchet, which uses axle fixed to the frame, axle of a floating arm trebuchet is not fixed to the frame. A floating arm trebuchet's arm is mounted on wheels that roll on a track parallel to the ground, with a counterweight that falls vertically, allowing for greater efficiency by increasing the proportion of energy transferred to the projectile. I would like to work on the floating arm trebuchet because the design of it is more interesting and efficient.

Case Study #1
Rating: 7/10

  • Visual representation of how the trebuchet works
  • Specifications of the trebuchet
  • Explains the advantages of the floating arm trebuchet
  • Does not explains specific materials used in the trebuchet
  • Does not provide measurements/plans/blue prints

Case Study #2
Rating: 9/10

  • Great visual representation
  • Provides pictures of each parts of the trebuchet
  • Provides pictures of the process of making the trebuchet
  • Provides all of the dimensions and materials used in the trebuchet
  • Provides 3D model of the trebuchet

  • There is not a visual representation of how the trebuchet works, such as a video or pictures
  • The efficiency of the trebuchet (weight of the counterweight, weight of the projectile, how far the projectile was launched) is not included

 Side View

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Simple Machines

We have reduced the six simple machines to four simple machines: inclined plane, lever, wheel and axle, and pulley. Our task was to design and build these four simple machines. We were to do so, so that the lever, the inclined plane, the wheel and axle would have an ideal mechanical advantage of six, and the pulley system would have an ideal mechanical advantage of two. We were given about two weeks to complete the task. After we built those four simple machines, we measured the actual mechanical advantages of each machine and calculated the % efficiency.
Lever, David Kim & Christian Merkle
Pulley, David Kim & Christian Merkle
Wheel and axle, David Kim & Christian Merkle
Inclined plane, David Kikm & Christian Merkle

Our group was 6th place for the wheel and axle, 2nd place for the inclined plane, disqualified for the lever, and 1st place for the pulley system. We were disqualified for the lever because our lever was not balanced. We could not decide who the final winner is because there were a lot of errors in the machines, and it was difficult to fairly decide the final winner. There was no machine that had 100% efficiency. This is because there are other factors that affect the mechanical advantage. Friction is an obvious factor that affects the mechanical advantage.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Reducing 6 Simple Machines to 4

  • Lever
  • Wheel and axle
  • Pulley
  • Inclined plane
  • Wedge
  • Screw

You can reduce the six simple machiens to four: lever, wheel and axle, pulley and inclined plane. The wedge can be eliminated because it is basically two inclined plane put together. The screw can also be eliminated because it essentially is an inclined plane put on a wheel and axle.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Innovation: Flexible OLED Display

TV with flexible OLED display
We've been looking at displays with flat screen for years, whether it be phones or TVs. Now, there is a technology that will allow us to watch a TV with a curved screen. OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a display technology that enables beautiful and efficient displays and lighting panels. Flexible OLED is used in products with curved OLED display. Curved OLED display will allow more immersive viewing experience, eliminate distortion in colors and caused by the angle because it provides equal distance from all parts of the screen to the eyes.

Smartphone with flexible OLED display
This innovation is important because it could allow us to make a product that will replace papers and tablets PCs. It could be used to produce a very thin and flexible device which could be very applicable. The device could be used in work spaces, school, and homes. If it is integrated with other technologies, it would definitely improve our lifestyle.

Westwood on the Cutting Edge

My project is building a robot using Arduino Intel Galileo and MakerBot 3D printer. Students will design a robot that looks asthetically nice, and can stand a and walk on two feet. They will model and render parts of their robot, and will 3D print the parts using MakerBot 3D printer to build the robot. Students will also program/code commands for the robot to walk on Arduino Intel Galileo. They will need to utilized their knowledge and research from multiple disciplines to be successful in this project.
Students will learn how to code and program for the robot which is a content from computer science. They will learn how to design a physically stable robot that can balance and be able to model the parts of a robot and build it which is a content from physics and fabrication. Students will learn to be artistic because they will need to designe an asthetically pleasing robot. They will also learn how to communicate effectively because they will need to explain their process of designing and building their robot and why their robot is better than the others. This project is AWESOME because you get to make your own robot!

 Other possible projects
  • Improve the design of a pen using 3D scanner and 3D printer.
  • Build a mind controlled car using Emotiv, Arduino TRE and 3D printer.
  • Build a trachuchet without any screws, nails, etc. using 3D printer.
  • Communicate without speaking and gestures, and only use our mind to communicate using Emotiv and RaspberryPi
  • Build an upscaled replica of a small toy or downscaled replica of a car using 3D scanner and 3D printer.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Invention: Phonograph

Thomas Edison. 1877. Edison Cylinder Phonograph.

          Phonograph was invented in 1977 by Thomas Edison. While there were devices that could record sound, Edison’s phonograph was the first device to be able to record and reproduce sound. The phonograph originally recorded sound onto a tinfoil sheet cylinder. Later on improvement were made to use wax-coated cardboard cylinders to record sound. There weren’t any device that could reproduce recorded sound before phonograph.

          Phonograph is historically important because it was the beginning of sound recording technology. The invention of phonograph led to the invention of gramophone, which used flat, double-sided discs instead of cylinder. Sound recording technology kept on improving – vinyl LP record to cassette tape to compact disk to digital recording formats.  If phonograph wasn’t invented, then the production of recorded sound wouldn’t have developed, and we wouldn’t be able listen to music unless we go to a live concert.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Maker Faire

          Maker Faire is a gathering of creative people. From technology and engineering to arts and crafts, it is an event for people of many different interests and all ages. There will be flame-throwing dragon, mind controlled robot, 3D-printed gadgets, quad-copters, and much more. There will be interactive exhibitions where you will be able to tinker with circuit boards and build things.

          Maker Faire will be held in New York Hall of Science in Queens, NY on September 21 & 22. The event will start at 10 AM and end at 7 PM on Saturday, and it will start at 10 AM and end 6 PM on Sunday. Weekend Pass and Single Day passes are available for adult, student, youth, and senior. Also, there is a special offer that gets you one year subscription of MAKE magazine and an Adult Day Pass for $40. The tickets can be purchased online at